Thursday, July 24, 2014

Why 'Slut Shaming' Needs to Stop

     As the American culture changes, advances, and evolves, some social aspects remain in the past. One such aspect I find to be particularly active is "Slut Shaming." For anyone unfamiliar with the term, slut shaming is an act in which a person or many people judge a woman harshly for having multiple sexual partners in her life. While some people may disagree with this lifestyle, it should not be socially acceptable to so harshly and openly judge someone due to their sexual choices. The problem that currently exists is just that; it is socially acceptable, and even encouraged, to participate in slut shaming.
     There are many problems associated with slut shaming. The first problem, and arguably the most glaringly unfair, is how sexist slut shaming seems to be. Men can sleep around, and indeed, the American culture seems to promote this. Commercials from product developers such as the "Axe" body spray come to mind, where women seemingly flock to the men who wear the product. The implication is that the man can sleep with all of these women, and this should be accepted, and even "cool."
     If the tables were turned, however, and a woman was seen attracting many men, this would be seen as a horrible thing. More importantly, the aforementioned woman would most likely be seen as a slut and therefore a lesser person. A man can be seen attracting many of the opposite sex to sleep with them and be accepted socially, but a woman cannot? For lack of a better term to get my point across, I will use what I deem appropriate for this situation. 
What the fuck? 
     Why is it acceptable for a man to sleep with many women, and not the other way around? If it is not acceptable for women to sleep around, then it should not be for men either. Men seem to pride themselves based on how many women they sleep with, but if a woman sleeps with "too many" men, suddenly she is a horrible sex demon that clearly must be ridiculed and ostracized. Stone the witch, stone the witch!
   It is no longer the biblical ages. Women should not be stoned for choosing to sleep with men. Obviously physical stoning is not legal, but totally destroying a persons' mental state because of a few sexual choices is indeed harmful. Sleeping around is a personal choice. Men and women should not receive different treatment if they make that choice. Sluts are not lesser people. The term "slut" should not be in existence any more. Slut shaming is a stigma that is outdated and harmful to the progression and evolution of the American culture.

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